Up and under

A lovely day today - lots of glorious sunshine! We'd arranged to meet Daughter One who wanted to come over from Mull and have afternoon tea with us at Julies in Stafford Street. Although it was actually lunchtime we enjoyed the afternoon tea in the socially distanced cafe.

Later on, down at the ferry terminal, I took a lot of pictures of boats but also this one of a house high on the hill above the town, not too far from where we live. I was surprised at the quality of the picture, taken on my little Lumix, as it must have been at least 700 yards away. It's a strange house - somebody once told me that it had been a bungalow, but the owner had it jacked up and had a ground floor built underneath!

Limerick of the Day:

Out on Mull lived a colonel named Bewsher
Whose estate was infested with fuchsia.
So to clear up his plot
He sprayed out the whole lot
With a tractor and roof-mounted skoosher!

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