Fatsia Japonica

So nice to lie in bed a little bit longer than normal.  BB was off to school, TT was off to his laptop and I headed out to meet a friend.  I had hoped for a wee walk on such a lovely day, but we went straight to a local café where we sat and chatted for quite a while.  Another friend appeared at the next table to us, so I had a very brief chat with her, with a promise to meet up.  I headed home, but had forgotten that I had ordered lunch, so not long after getting home I had to head out again to collect lunch.  On my way home for the second time I bumped into  another friend who I haven’t seen since before lockdown.  We also had a quick chat with a promise to meet up.
After lunch, TT declared he would cook tea, but gave me a shopping list when he headed back to work.  Even though the sun had gone and I had missed the best of the day, I went for a  short walk and then to the supermarket, where I bumped into yet another friend.  I was quite exhausted after chatting to her as she told me that one of her neighbours, who I vaguely know, had died suddenly and also that her daughter (who was in BB’s primary school class) is not having a great time at school.  When I emerged from the supermarket it was pitch black and felt like midnight!
TT did make tea and then had his Friday night whisky zoom call. I watched a couple of episodes of Borgen and  then fell asleep during Graham Norton.
I spotted this fatsia japonica flower on one of my walks down into town.

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