Balcony sunrise mark ####

This one caught us by surprise, after breakfast. It didn't last long, but it was quite intense while it lasted. It resolved into a decent day, which was very still and there were superb reflections on the Water of Leith, both times we walked down there (to go to the market in the morning, and then later to meet some friends for what passes for a night out (4-6pm in a dry pub) in Scotland these days. Never mind, it was lovely to see J and V and catch up with them. It has been ages since we saw them.

We came back and watched some TV (Simon Reeve in America) and enjoyed a bottle of wine. Obviously not with our friends :-( Hey ho. It won't be for ever.

I felt rejuvenated compared to yesterday. It seems that I needed a good night's sleep. I managed my zoom class this morning, and also two walks up and down to the centre of Leith. Now I'm ready to go and find my book.

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