Attack, Attack, Attack.

It was frosty and foggy this morning so I headed out with the camera.
The fog wasn't as thick I had hoped - or indeed as frosty.
I am not sure why, but there were several different coloured balloons attached to the bottom of trees along a short section of the woodland path. 
The dog seemed completely confused when the balloon he was playing with inexplicably disappeared.

There were a couple of huge toadstools - this was the smaller and was about 9" across.. But it was [url=]the hairy one[/url] that really got my attention - I have never seen fungus like that before.

I didn't take a picture of the crocheted flower (at least, I think that is what it was) as it was a bit tatty - but the yellow heart looked fine (why yellow though?).

Before heading for home I reverted to type and and took a couple of pictures of things where they had fallen and were 'out of place' ..... a leaf and a feather, both of them had the added bonus of being nicely rimmed with frost - as were the red leaves.

I should have finished the son-in-law's commission - but a leaking washing machine took precedence. I think it was the waste pipe causing the problem (it certainly caused me problems getting it off and putting on a new one). I think I found a pin sized hole in it after I had changed it. If I get the chance tomorrow I will seal one end and attached the other to the high pressure hose to find out. If it isn't that then I have a serious problem.

Now it is time to sit and relax and let my back settle.

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