Vote for #89!

Our effort for the Kineton Christmas Tree Trail - which this year has the theme of heroes and heroines.  Trees are being prepared all over the village so we decided to get on with it and set ours up this afternoon.  We have chosen Sir David Attenborough and we're in good company as we know of at least one other already.  Clearly - ours is better because we have: tasteful lights, blue planets, blue tinsel, wildlife, photos of Sir David, the polar research ship AND Boaty McBoatface! 

There is a voting setup for your favourites - did I mention we are #89?

Large on Black for the full boaty experience!

There will be 200+ trees once all are in place and the trail is open for visitors from next weekend.  The tier 3 restrictions will no doubt have  an effect but you should be able to park in the village and walk around following the map which can be bought in the village shops - the Co-Op is open to 22:00 so you should be able to get one if you arrive after dark.

Enjoy ... and vote for #89 :-)

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