
By Colstro


We got up reasonably early this morning intending to take some photographs of the boats and related equipment on the Dungeness shingle. At 7 am the sky was overcast and the wind was blowing a gale so we weren't very enthusiastic, but we went out anyway. So glad we did. Virtually as we walked out of the front door the clouds started to break up and within about 40 minutes the sky was almost clear blue. The wind was still blowing strongly though and it was extremely cold, but we got some pleasing photographs.

However the picture which gave me most pleasure today was this one. It was taken late this afternoon as the sun was near to setting. We had taken a short drive northwards along the coast Road to where we had seen some colourful beach huts on our first day here. This particular hut stood out from the rest because of its painted decoration and the bright colours contrasted with the blue of the sky behind (emphasised by a polarising filter) dotted with small fluffy clouds. A ridiculously simple image but I rather enjoy it.

EDIT: I have updated the image with a re-processed version which is much more as I intended. The original, prepared on my uncalibrated laptop screen, was too dark for my liking and didn't convey the mood I wanted - or the view as I saw it at the time

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