
This is the empty bus I came back on this morning after taking the car to the garage for its MOT/service. I worry that if the buses don't get used, the timetable will be reduced even further. It is already rather sparse, so most people (except for those that brave the weather on their bikes) rely on their cars to get about, which is not the most environmentally friendly option. I looked at the mileage on last year's MOT certificate and realise that we have done about 1500 miles since last December...being furloughed/off sick from work, not taking any holidays or visiting family and college being online only have all helped to reduce our carbon footprint :-)

This afternoon I made a start on writing my Christmas cards. I would have made them myself, but I'd stocked up in the January sales, so no need to..all the more time to spend writing letters to go inside them, then.

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