My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu


Despite the broken bone I decided to work from home rather than feel sorry for myself...not that there's much chance of that with Owen about.

Working from the kitchen table does have its advantages in that I get to (sort of) spend more time with everyone at home. I don't get to watch Owen decorating the window with Christmas stickers when I'm in the office.
The office doesn't even have windows.

At this point I'd just got off the phone to the fracture team. I've been discharged from the Orthopaedic consultant, I didn't even know I was under, as it's an uncomplicated fracture that doesn't need intervention. I've been instructed to do things requiring minimal exertion for at least 2 weeks and then see how it feels and whether I can control a car. Physio will be in touch around then to give me some exercises to get back to normal.

Unfortunately working from the kitchen table apparently qualifies as minimal exertion.

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