A very late night

I took this just before midnight, after another worrying evening with dad, we called 111 and paramedics came out to assess him. It is pretty clear he is suffering with another (or more probably the same) UTI he was treated for at home over a week ago. When they discharged him that time, they gave me a packet of antibiotic tablets for another 5 days. Problem was, they resembled small gobstoppers and there was no way he would take them. So now we are back at Harlow hospital, and as I type it is actually now tomorrow, Manda and I are sitting in the car. Mum went with dad in the ambulance this time, but we know she will only be allowed to stay with him for a set amount of time, so we are here to take her home when she is sent out.

The rest if my day was work full of interruptions followed at 6.30 by day 3 week 1 of my couch to 5k run. I ran along a noisy road and missed when the app told me to stop running and walk, so did a bit more than I needed. Then I dashed to Manda's to have a shower. Home to mums at 9 where I had planned to write the rest of my Christmas cards, and pack my bags for my weekend at home, to find dad shivering uncontrollably. So a call as I said to 111 and here we are again. He looked so poorly this time. Big sighs.

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