A lost day

We spent most of the morning doing odd jobs about the house while waiting for the gas boiler service chap to arrive,  15:00 by the time he had done, but we do now have a new pump and one of the gaskets in the boiler replaced.  Not particularly motivated to find a blip so this is one of the images from the camera trap in the rail cutting - and there are a lot of these empty scenes ... which suggests the deer are not going where I thought they were,  or they just didn't visit us much over the past week.
The fence in the top right corner is where they have been jumping over, previous blip here, I had thought they were walking down the slope from there,  but the camera has not caught them much over the past week or so.   It has caught a couple of local cats and a fox so it probably is triggering well enough.

This would have been just dark enough for the lighting to be from the infra red LEDs on the camera, the bright foliage is nettles.
Time to try a different tree!

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