Illuminated Mirrorball in the Forest this evening

My evening consisted of a rather nippy wander around a very beautifully illuminated Westonbirt Arboretum 'Enchanted Christmas'. The lighting is becoming more and more digital art influenced and less old fashioned smoke and mirrors (which I prefer tbh) so this may well be my last visit to this yearly celebration. I managed to get a ticket a few weeks ago and thankfully the current restrictions didn't impact too much on it going ahead. 

Ironically it was the least socially distant that I've ever experienced the event. I usually walk around on my own, at my own pace and it's easy to avoid any small crowds. This year, because of social distancing we were kind of funnelled into areas so that people ended up quite close together with no means of moving further away (due to the temporary fencing). At the end of the trail there were lots of food and drinks vans like you get at a festival. The food area is usually heaving with people and this year very few people were waiting around to use them. An understandable sign of the times.

This evening has been punctuated by fish and chips, the wonderful Grayson Perry and will shortly be interrupted by smile inducing, Gogglebox. 

A mysterious ring of the doorbell at 8:30 this eve and a lady delivered some very interesting chocolate which had been ordered locally earlier in the week from the plastic free shop in town, it was the last thing I thought it was going to be! I may have to investigate the taste . . . just to be sure . . .

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