To Bouldly Go

Among my limited clothing here with me in the UK I only possess either shorts, or trousers that have rubbed away at the crotch. This is not the most appropriate winter attire. A positive thing about the shops opening today is that I’ve been able to acquire some new trousers that don’t run the risk of me exposing myself when mounting my bike.

After trouser buying, Sara and I had a mocha against a wall opposite Bould Brothers, a hip coffee shop in Cambridge (pictured).

The cleaner in the building was laying out more paper towels when his ring tone loudly blasted out Shape of You by Ed Sheeran. I enjoyed that moment in a practically deserted office.

I had a strange moment when I walked through the smoking area outside the office and smelt the remnants of someone having recently had a fag. I’ve only smoked very rarely when drunk, but it felt appealing in that moment (and I wasn’t drunk at work, even though that sounds fun). Whilst some people might emerge from a succession of Covid lockdowns as skilled harpsichord players or sporting muscles they didn’t know they had, I might take up smoking for stress relief.

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