Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Mallow Flower

It always astonishes me what you can find blooming even in December.  Hazel and I came across this on our short walk this morning.  We set out in brilliant sunshine but within 3 minutes the hailstones were pelting down like good 'uns.  I don't know how (coat collar turned up, scarf, hat) but within the 4th minute the icy little shysters were sliding down the back of my neck.  Needless to say, this did not improve a) my temper, b) the already slightly tatty little mallow flower, but I brought us home to dry out.

I was also in town briefly today.  The High Street was heaving.  So on return, having blipped the flower, I got on my bed to read and fell asleep.  It seemed the best thing to do with the rest of the day ;))

Happy Saturday evening and Sunday morning  xx

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