The 'Jacobus' Windmill, Vessem

It was sunny where I live and very grey where I drove to.  On my way there, I could already see the very dark ocean slowly engulfing the blue sheet of sky and seriously considered driving back.  And then, I thought, no, it'll be okay and that grey blanket will be frayed in some parts, and that proved to be true.

The Jacobus doesn't have any building directly next to it, but it is in the middle of a cluster of houses so there was no way to get a panoramic shot.  It wasn't facing the street either, so I did have to shoot from behind the houses.  No problem, Vessem is done ... but there are a couple more in that direct area, so I definitely will be back.  For the first time, following the suggestion of Blipper H0tamer, I've tagged the location of this one, for anyone who's curious.  I think I'll do that for the others, when I have time.

Actually, I did not fall asleep till about 06.00.  Went to bed with AW around 01.00 and spent the next three hours doing my best but it just did not work, so at 04.15 I just got up again and sat behind the screen.  Woke up later at around 11.00.  I am just taking this as it is.  Because I no longer work and have no obligations anywhere else, maybe I just have too much energy.  The possible reasons don't bother me anyway.  This is me right now.

Some colouring, and a lot of MOOCking.  Some housework.  Mail from the Viking and a nice cozy chat with Mimi far away.  We miss each other a lot and that was already bad enough before the travel restrictions.  As things are, we'll probably need to wait another five years before I can even think of going there.

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