
By JennyOwen

Winter gardens

Grandson Eben stayed over with us last night, part of our regular informal childcare 'bubble'. This was lovely, he hasn't stayed with us for ages and we revisited our favourite routines together.
This also meant that I was up and about and playing junior Cluedo not long after 6 a.m.! Richard and I need to get back in training for these early starts :-)

I took E home just before lunch. Then R and I went for a walk along the Rivelin valley with two old friends who we haven't seen for months. We had a good catch up and a hot snack at the park cafe.  The photo is of the allotments just beyond the park, looking very bedraggled today.

I went to bed when we got back, put on a BBC Radio 4 podcast (Newcast)and promptly fell fast asleep.  In my defence they were talking about football. I should remember this option for any forthcoming insomniac nights.

Tonight we're on Zoom for dinner with 3 friends, 2 local and one living on the South coast.  Then I think we will both sleep very well...

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