It’s amazing how much the weather dictates our mood - when I got up this morning, it was dull, dank, dreary and extremely foggy - and also cold.  My Waitrose delivery came as usual, and Vincent, the delivery man was very kind and smiley, as usual, but even just being near the open back door made me feel cold and miserable.  Of course, the fact that I had got on the scales before I came downstairs and realised I had put on another two pounds didn’t help.  Then I realised as Mr. HCB was unpacking the shopping bags, that I had forgotten to add my free newspaper to the order, so today hasn’t had the best start!

I decided to make some Broccoli and Blue Cheese soup and put a couple of dollops of very hot horseradish sauce in it, so took some over for our neighbour, Mike, who had popped out - but when he came back, bless him, he had bought me a daily paper - we are so fortunate to have such wonderful neighbours.  Now if only he could “magic away” those extra pounds, that would be amazing!

I had intended going out, but decided instead to stay in the warm and do some more sorting out in my Quiet Room - even that was difficult.  I found many letters, photographs and other bits and pieces of memorabilia that made me cry - especially as many of the notes and cards were from people who had died, so I only did about an hour of sorting out - I couldn’t cope with any more today.

However, the soup was delicious and Mr. HCB was kind and gentle when I told him I was feeling a bit “down” and no doubt, as my lovely friend Ann used to say, “This too, shall pass”.  

These are the some of the flowers, and I don't know what they are, given to me by another lovely friend, Gill, and blipped by me on 17th November - the roses are quietly fading away - but I will save those for another day.

Things that brought me joy today:

The kindness of Mike, our lovely neighbour
Remembering with gratitude all who have helped me over the years
Knowing I have a lovely husband, who loves me whatever weight I am

“Life bring tears, smiles, and memories;
     the tears dry, 
          the smiles fade, 
but the memories last forever.”
Malik Faisal

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