
By JillyMint

Time out from courtship

Spring has definitely sprung in the minds of my avian friends and the garden is alive with competition. There are at least 5 blackbirds battling not to be the one left out, and I regularly see 4 robins sorting out the perimeters of their territories. I have started my annual attempt to tempt (a) one of the robins onto my hand and (b) one of the pheasants (Ferdinand or Don Quixote - I don't mind which) to come to the door for food. Actually it'll probably be Ferdinand who becomes my target as Don Quixote appears to have won his Dulcinea and has swanned off somewhere no doubt doing the dirty deed - here's hoping we see the results of their coupling this year.
Blue tits are busy filling the empty nestboxes, robins are battling it out in between war cries of their glorious song and the doves are inseperable.
It is lovely to see the gs woodpeckers flying joyfully along their cosine curves, the amplitude getting deeper ever day.
Anyway, enough of this guff - SPRING IS IN THE AIR - GET OUTSIDE WHILE YOU CAN.

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