
This is the refurbishment of the old Royal Infirmary in its transformation to become the new Edinburgh Futures Institute as seen through a glass darkly. It’s quite a project and every bit of the frontage is covered in scaffolding and plastic sheeting and has been for ages; the Edinburgh Futures name takes on a whole new meaning.

I was expecting a slip slidey day today, at least first thing, which would have impacted on my predawn hike to Maggie’s, but in fact it was raining first thing and the streets were very wet but not icy. I breathed a sigh of relief that today was not the day I might fall and break some vital bone. I’m getting unhealthily scared about falling even though I’m nearer the ground than most. I think it must be an age thing.

It’s been a very quick day mainly because there are only about 7 hours of daylight but also because I’ve packed quite a lot into these hours which helps.
Now as I write this with the lamps on there is a beautiful sunset, the sky a palette of pink, mauve and orange. The shepherds should be pleased.

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