More Murk

More Murk
Another day of thick cloud, mist and drizzle. I really feel this could get depressing, especially when we cannot go out and meet friends in a warm convivial setting. The ten-day forecast is for very slightly drier weather but the sun does not show up anywhere in those 10 days.
The picture is taken at 14:20,  in the half-dark that I suppose is dusk though in reality it wasn't much lighter at any part of the day. The camera settings tell their story - ISO 1600 - 1/30th of a second. I'd been outside organising some more logs for the fire, mending a hatch leading to the space under Betty's, and  setting some marker canes at two steps on a steep section of lawn. The last activity is for when the snow finally comes. If we can find those steps and scrape them clear it is much easier to move between the two houses.
Jan (HD) had just gone back into the house to wrap presents and if you peer into the window on the right you can just see her lighting the stove, which is blazing up.
I was out another 30 minutes or so, by which time it really was too dark to work. When I went in that front room was deliciously warm. I sat on the sofa, reading and drinking a cup of coffee, then I put my feet up on the sofa and carried on reading, then I fell asleep! This is not my normal way of life!!  Early to bed tonight...

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