
I hope the translation is correct, Google had some problems and I chose the one I thought fitted. Anyway, you can see what it is so you know if the word describes what you see.

These stone-wall crossings mostly looks like this. The hight can vary but the design is more or less the same. They are centrally made, by the authority who keeps the paths open and make sure the rules are kept concerning what you can and can't do in a nature reservation, as this area is. I guess they measure the wall and then tailor-makes each stile to fit the wall, it's essential that you don't need to touch the stones when you cross the wall.

All trees falling in the grove are left where they are but if one of them falls over the path, the trunk is cut off to give way to the path, the ends are left untouched.

I had a student today, that's a long while since. He's had a bad touch of covid and nearly died, now he wants to get going with his music again because it gives him energy. Not long ago he didn't have the energy to even think about music, only surviving. It felt very special to meet him again after his experiences with corona and very humbling to be chosen as one of the people who he thinks can help him back to a "normal" life again.

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