Gotta get out

The mornings are v dark but I cycled to the pool, despite the roadworks at the end of the road. They've fiddled with the lanes again. The slow lane is narrower. I'm ok once I'm in the pool but I'd be lying if I said I found getting up in the dark easy.

Home I did a couple of outstanding things, made a call, to an answerphone. If only I'd realised last night that the person worked till 7.30 pm.

A walk round the block to post of my cards and J's. Long queue at the P.O. I was going to look at planning outside but I've decided they were a stupid purchase and have to go back. That will mean queuing at some point.

Then I had to get out and where else but Sainsbury's. It wasn't busy but the shelves are denuded. Is everything stuck in containers in jammed ports?
Bought some 'luxury' stuff for me, even non luxury biscuits. Home via the Manor. All well there.

Had my mentoring session this evening and now relaxing to music. I do rarely do this and I should do it more. And Willow likes cuddling up in the evening.

F2F - 4
Phone calls - 0
Virtual - 1

Decided that the lights I bought need v to go back. A ridiculous purchase.

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