Singing, walking, singing...

Awoke to a murky foggy day, then a downpour.  Tried to join community choir’s Zoom session, but my iPad and my laptop both needed charging.  Finally got in via my phone, but only heard a couple of songs as I had to go out.  Along with AuntieP I was due to meet our church choirmaster to sing a hymn to be videoed for our Sunday evening Zoom service.  He had sent an email to go in wellies and take brollies as we were singing in the field behind his house.  Last minute dash as I met 4 villagers on the way down and they wanted to chat!  Lots of mud, but okay in walking boots.  He tied the goldfish shower curtain  to an oak tree and we stood either side to sing.  We were not sure we could swap from soprano to alto halfway through the song, so decided to sing alto all the way through.  We thought it would take some time, but we had a listen to the melody and timing and then managed it in a couple of takes.  Played back with the sopranos singing, it sounded much better than we had expected. Phew!  Photo is the shower curtain and the oak tree branches  covered in lichen - you can also see the foggy background.  Walked back up the village and had a bit of a wander round, then called in the butchers to request tongues for Christmas (I know they are not to everyone’s liking!).  I then walked back up the hill with a lady who lives across the field from me - we had quite a long chat, so it was a sociable morning.  Back home one of my parcels had been delivered (2 still missing now - including my craft gin!!) with a note from the courier saying it had been placed inside a carrier bag to keep it dry - very thoughtful!  Now 15:45 and still foggy!

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