Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Walk and talk

Can't resist a walk outdoors when the sun is shining and altho' it's chilly these days, it hasn't been cold over here yet. Found some yellow leaves on branches still... see extra.

Got a textmessage from my youngest nephew that his mam, my youngest sister, and he are infected with the Covid-19 virus and they stay put at their home. I haven't seen them since 2 months, so no chance of being infected by them. 

So I made a phonecall to my sister and heard that my nephew learned that a fellow student of his had collected the virus and was sent home for that reason instantly (together with all the others in the class). Before hitting home, he'd gone for a quick test  and that showed he tested negative, in other words he wasn't infected. But within days he and his mama, my sister, developed symptoms that make one think twice; so they went for a test and this time my nephew and my sister (who went first time) were both tested positive, that is: infected with the bug! the virus Corona and ever since a week now, they stay home in isolation. 
My nephew who's a young adult hardly suffers any complaint / symptom, but my sister did feel ill and tired and the lot. She told me she starts to feel getting back some of her strength again (not her sense of smelling yet) and fortunately she hasn't been that severely ill for hospital intake! So all in all she's happy this 'bitter cup of drinks'  passed from them the way it does now and she hopes to be immune from now for ever and free from all worries.

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