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It was a 'don't look now but there's a stonechat over there' moment, my lovely lens attached to the old camera alas, but, hey, how did I know there was going to be a stonechat on that stone wall over there by the beach? And his mate was flitting around there & a robin was behind him too at one point... And this stonechat was literally chattering away about everything & anything...

Back home, had a wonderful Cornish holiday too! Great weather - no rain, although got so cold, some snow came down this morning, only slight, but still, brrrrrr!

And a welcome from Larry:

Home is where the robin is

And I've already back blipped - go me! Please take a look, thank you:

Rather you then me!

Aerial King

I saw three ships!

Frozen port

Looking forward to a glass of wine by the a roaring fire tonight... the garden is beginning to bud, but I'm not sure how, this is the coldest it's been for a while now! :) xxx

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