Big baby!

My neighbour Yvonne had asked me if I wanted a walk this morning and I didn’t want to let her down as thought she might need to walk and talk but I really wasn’t feeling it when the dog woke at 5.50 and I realised I’d had less than 4 hours sleep! however once I was up it wasn’t too bad and the dog and I dozed on the sofa for an hour or so before I fed him and make some breakfast fir the humans.

Met up with my neighbour so was relieved that her husband was being discharged today. We had a great chat and covered just over 5 miles in the 86 minutes we were out. Pretty wet and muddy in places and the rain started as we were on the home straight but it was good to be out. It’s been confirmed that her husband had a small stroke on Friday evening but the ambulance arrived within 15 minutes so they’re hopeful he will make a full recovery.

Made bolognese sauce and chilli for the freezer before cooking a roast chicken dinner. In between times I got around half of my Christmas cards written. Will finish tomorrow.

Early night beckons as we’ve got an early start in the morning. Mr PHL is off to St John’s In Livingston for a small operation and his check in time is 8am.

Bit of an EB of Phin in his favourite position - being carried by Miss PHL!

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