The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon


This could be a short blip - wehey I hear you say!

I worked all morning, nipped to the Marple office to drop something off and called at the park I went to Wednesday to see if I could spot the little bird we haven't yet identified. Nothing other than ducks. I enjoyed looking at the new greenery starting to poke through the orangey fallen leaves, tried to photograph the slope of green shoots, then drove a scenic route home, keeping my eyes peeled for interesting photographic opportunities. I spotted this fab looking farmhouse and was quite attracted to its greenery too.

I got home, tried to process the photos, but drove myself to distraction again, didn't particularly like any of them, deleted most and gave in. I did some more work for the rest of the evening.

How's that for short on woffle?!

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