The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

B becomes A

Plan A had been to see if we could find Woody. VitalSparks said he hadn't been seen, or heard the past couple of days, so Plan B became Plan A.

Met up with two friends, S & J from the Camera Club to do the sitting/meditating/looking assignment we'd been set - making photography notes without a camera. We sat in a row on a blanket covered bench overlooking the river and childen's play area, with flasks and notebooks, another checked blanket covering our legs, in the lightly falling snow. Proper old dears we must have looked! We made our notes and discussed them before J had to leave. S & I had a look for the dipper... no dipper.

On the way back to the car I passed this bench and spotted the lone, lost tennis ball. I had an image in mind straight away which I've tried to capture here. I was drawn by the shape of the ball and the shape of the metalwork on the bench. The white flecks are snowflakes.

I had a brief visit to Argo the kingfisher on my way home later, saw him immediately, watched and photographed him flying branch to branch before he disappeared upstream, but my photos weren't any better than previous ones due to the poor light.

Landlord duties called again, been a busy week - chasing up a tardy electrician which has interfered with my time today - it was sooooo cold too, I decided to head home to thaw out.

For a change I've Blipped by 6pm - I can now have a quiet evening away from the computer and perhaps actually read a book or magazine, in front of the fire. Damn... knew I'd forgotten something important... LOGS :-(

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