
By ayearinthelife

A Hazy Shade of Winter

Just messing around taking photos of the colour changing snowflakes we have hanging in the lounge window. Quite like the way you can see the outside world, just not really in focus. And if that’s not a metaphor for the country at the moment, I don’t know what is!
One of those days that started well - not raining, PT Session mid morning and then managed to get the few remaining bits of shopping we couldn’t find in M&S yesterday. Morrison’s and Aldi surprisingly quiet but I don’t know if that’s because everyone has shopped early for Christmas or if this is just the calm before the storm!
Sadly, after lunch it all went downhill a bit. Heavy rain and low cloud put paid to any outside activities and apart from looking at a few emails, it’s just been a case of skinning out in front of the fire. Couldn’t even be bothered looking for something to watch on the telly - it was actually quite nice just sitting in silence and having a bit of a mental clear out.
Least unexpected news of the day was that we were staying in Tier 2. It seems the big problems are now in the South and East of the country with a lot of places being moved up to Tier 3. No changes to Xmas restrictions but a shift in the message, appealing to people to make any meetings as brief as possible. Not a problem in this household - I’m seeing my mum on the 23rd, but only to exchange presents. Then it’s back home and (metaphorical) drawbridge up until the new year.
As far as I’m concerned, the sooner Christmas is behind us, the better. Without any sort of pressure to “make merry” we can concentrate on getting this disease beaten and a return to normality - whatever that turns out to be!

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