Merry Wishes

We got a card today wishing us "Merry Wishes."

This is the neighbors who invited me to the pasni and have glow in the dark roses.

Check out the extra so you can see Santa. After we moved to this house Karen's dad met a man in line at the hardware store. The man was starting a business providing handyman services once a month to people's homes. We became clients, although we got him to offer a quarterly services instead. The man who runs it is also part of the fire department. 

They began driving around once a winter with Santa Claus on a fire engine, always stopping briefly by our house and waving extra ;-)

Last night they had some machine that blasted carols. He didn't just slow down, he hopped out and chatted with me, him from the end of the driveway, me from the window. We exchanged how well we were and assured each other we're being safe. I pointed to the chair in the driveway and told him that is where I get my hair cut. "You ARE being careful!"

We made it through the week again my friends. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We got this. 

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