
By Veronica


Continued from yesterday's backblip. The final band of the evening, M. Lawrence and the Tweezers, consisted of a number of members of the previous band, who quickly changed from black and white to dazzling red shiny satin suits. They were joined by a vocalist who, as soon as she stepped onto the stage with her pixie haircut, long legs, and sparkly red dress, made me think "Liza Minelli!". She had a Minelli-sized voice too, strutting round the stage belting out jazz classics in a twangy American accent (although actually she is English). I wished she'd sung some blues, because she really had the voice for it.

The band was soon joined by most of the musicians who had played earlier. M. Lawrence and Stéphanie Astre were sharing a mike, and Mary had to stoop practically to knee level for Stéphanie to be able to sing into it -- quite an amusing sight :) After a rousing rendition of When the Saints Come Marching In, we headed out into the night. The car thermometer had read 3C when we arrived -- when we got back in, it read -2. It was a dry, windless night though, so no frost. We had to pause on our quiet backroad route home when we saw a white van upended in the ditch. It was, however, empty -- the occupants having evidently scrambled out of the rear doors.

Today is windy and bitingly cold -- a day indoors beckons after this unusually early blip, and late rising.

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