Coronavirus Tier 2 - Day 22

After today’s announcement, was pleased to learn we remain in Tier 2, though with every surrounding county moving into Tier 3 on Boxing Day, it does feel a little strange. I now live on a Tier 2 island!

Another mild and wet day, so thank goodness I didn’t have to queue outside the supermarket this morning to collect the turkey. Shoppers without a prebooked collection weren’t so lucky. With a visit to the pharmacy and the petrol station, my Christmas out and about errands are now complete, unlike my indoor Christmas errands!

The Christmas supermarket delivery arrived this afternoon, but unfortunately my veggie Christmas dinner was out of stock so cooking has been added to tomorrow’s jobs list, along with wrapping and finishing the decorations (the lights and tinsel are up and the fairy is at last atop the finished tree). Though there are 12 days of Christmas, so I still have a few more days to put up the trimmings. And talking of the 12 days of Christmas, do I go for my eighth rendition of The Twelve Days of Christmas? This year would be a very limited Lockdown version!

Take care, stay safe and well...

PS A tip on how to survive hectic pre-Christmas days: sit down for half an hour, with a fluffy cat on your lap, carols from Wells Cathedral on the tele, and a Mince Pie and a glass of Sherry!

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