A VERY Cold Morning!

It was 29F/-2C this morning when I woke up...and there was a heavy frost everywhere! We so seldom have frost or snow that it's a big deal. So when the sun finally moved high enough in the sky to provide some light (9:30 am!) I took my camera out to the garden. What a world of wonders! I love how the frost defines and decorates plants. You can see veins and serrations so easily...all sugar coated. And then, as the sun slowly creeps along, the plants warm just enough and just like magic, poof! It's gone! And all the plants are still fine. Apparently it wasn't a killing frost.  This fern is a Tassel Fern - Polystichum polyblepharum. 

In the early days of Covid, my neighbors began a tradition called "Whine and Wine". We'd all bring our chairs and a beverage of choice and meet in the cul-de-sac at 5:00 pm on a given day and enjoy seeing each other, from a distance. Today one of the neighbors had a coffee and doughnuts the street in front of their house...same idea. It was a lot of fun to see everyone, from a distance. 

I had a great walk in the Arboretum with my friend Phil, as I do every other week. Masked (which was especially nice this morning because it was so cold!) and safely distanced, we had a terrific walk. We realized that we have been friends for 15 years now, 6 of them working together. How time flies!

Then an afternoon of finishing up Christmas stuff for the grandchildren, who will be coming by tomorrow. Since we're already in our own little bubble, all will be safe, quiet, and loving.

Happy Christmas Eve - I hope it's a peaceful and safe one, and not too sad for those that can't see their families. I am heartened by hearing about the vaccines, although it will be quite a while before I personally receive one, at least we're going forward.

Best to you all dear Blipmates!

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