Night Time

It has been another pretty chilled day, other than doing a few house-jobs today. I finished a book, played Simon's Cat Crunch Time, messed around on social media, cooked a Vegan lasagne for Grace's lunch and a corpse (according to Grace!) one for our tea and generally did nothing much.  

I had to leave the house this evening though. My theme for the day is "Night Time" and since the cathedral is lit with a festive rosy glow in honour of Christmas I decided to go and take some photos of it. Brian tagged along for the walk and I was glad he did. I found a good view on a side street, Bri set up his tripod for me to take the shot and my battery died!

I waited while he dashed off to get a fresh one and return in the car for quickness. I tried not to look too suspicious hanging around on one of the poshest streets in Lincoln with what looked like surveillance equipment. I was glad when he returned.

By then though, it had become so misty the Cathedral view I had was barely visible so we had to walk around to castle square. By now I was feeling the effect of drinking a pint of herbal tea before leaving the house so I just took a few shots of the glowing cathedral and the full moon before heading for home! Just made it!!

We have now eaten our lasagne, washed up and are ready to go back to relaxing!!

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