My apartment feels very odd now - bleak space without warmth.  This is the first time I've been without a cat in 37years and I feel not just lonely but more conscious of the emptiness of my day to day.  I know I'll adjust, but it's even harder than I imagined.

Cousin Marcia called this afternoon and we had a long catch-up.  She is very interested in the twins but now that she's nearly blind she can't follow Andrew's blog.  We covered all the extended family and everyone is thriving despite the pandemic.  We don't get to speak very often, so it was really good to talk with her.

The cleaners were here today and they very kindly emptied the litter box and washed it for me, not among their usual tasks.  Now I have to take apart the cushion perches I made for Minkelina and figure out a place to put all of the cushions.

Grocery delivery tomorrow and a stop at the library to pick up the holds that have come in.  I'm mostly reading on my Kindle these days, but some books I want are only in solid book form.

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