Good morning Lovely Blippers,

We were just sitting in the conservatory minding our own business, and enjoying the sunshine, when we heard Mr. HCB shouting to Mrs. HCB that he was just going round to the greenhouse to check on his plants - he does this every day, in fact, we think he goes out there to talk to them!  As we haven’t been out for a while, we decided that it might be a good idea to follow him, firstly to get out in the fresh air and also to see what he gets up to out there.  

On our way round to the greenhouse, we noticed that all the bulbs that Mrs. HCB planted in pots last Autumn were beginning to poke through the soil.  We could also see that the snowdrops that came from Mr. HCB’s Mother’s garden were also beginning to show.  We love the Spring when everything starts growing again and new life is all around - and on a day like today, it feels as if it’s not that far away!

We don’t think he noticed us following him so before he had time to shut the door and do what he does, we crept in behind him.  You should see what he’s got in that greenhouse - he’s got lots of bags of compost, tools, watering cans and so many plants - salvias, hostas, clematis, lupins, chrysanthemums, foxgloves, buddleias - all of which he has propagated himself - he’s a clever lad!  

We didn’t get too close to that spray bottle of Ultimate Bug Killer, which Mr. HCB says he needed because there were some aphids in the greenhouse - but he leaves it there just in case he needs it again.   

It was pretty cold out there - Mr. HCB said, according to this MaxiMin thermometer, it was -3 C so we were pleased we had our warm Christmas clothes, scarfs and hats on.  

Earlier in the week, we saw Mr. HCB browsing through some Seed Catalogues that came in the post so no doubt he will be buying more seeds and plants before too long - and if he can’t go to cricket this year (perish the thought, he says) then he will be working in the garden.  As you know, he and Mrs. HCB do love their garden, so hopefully once the Spring comes and they can start going out there, it will soon be looking spick and span.

Until then though, it’s just the greenhouse for Mr. HCB and the occasional jigsaw while Mrs. HCB sits and does her knitting, Blipping or cooking - or, we have it on good authority, she just “sits” in her Quiet Room and meditates.  Not quite sure what that entails, but she seems to like doing it!  I remember another bear, called Winnie the Pooh, who allegedly said, “Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits.”  Perhaps that’s what Mrs. HCB does and there’s nothing wrong with that.

We think that Admirer, who started off all this silliness, will smile at our Blip and we take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year - do keep well and stay safe.  I have no doubt we will be having more adventures soon, so keep watching.

With love to you all from 

JH Ted, Snowy, Goldie and Tiny xxxx

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