By lizzie_birkett

Snow Day!

At last we got some snow! It was quite heavy for a while but it probably won't last long.
Bella May isn't really a playful dog but when I let her out the back she started prancing about in the freshly fallen snow and looked bemused as she watched the flakes falling.
I threw a few snowballs for her then Harry and Archie called her from their upstairs window. She then waited for them to come out to play. She just raced around their garden for a bit then came back in for a snooze.

I took the decorations down today (I know, it's early! :-D) I wanted to start the new year with a clean sweep and the little tree was losing a lot of needles - even though it has roots. It needs to be outside so I put it in the kitchen where it is slightly cooler and then maybe tomorrow it can go outside.

I gave the living room and hallway a good clean and would have carried on upstairs but I did my bloomin' knee again! It's not painful just swollen. It's wierd how I can go long walks with Frank and Bella, climb over stiles and gates and nothing happens to my knee but just pottering around the house doing a bit of cleaning and pop it goes!

I'm going to do a bit of sketching now while Frank makes dinner then have a short burst on the uke, that's 2 of my daily goals met. I can't do exercises now 'cos of my knee! They'll have to wait.

Today's word: JANUS - January is named after the Roman Deity Janus, God of beginnings, transitions and doorways.
Usually depicted as having two faces, one that looks to the future and one that looks to the past.
Hence the reversible fabric - Janus cloth, and the Janus Lock which can be fitted to both left and right opening doors.

That's all folks! :-)X

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