Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

As a mono Monday theme this week, host Picturemull has asked us to provide a response to one of her blips.  When I saw hers, mama shoe and her baby's shoe, I thought about my Golden Torch Cacti. The original cactus is the tall one...the mama. Over the last few years, it has thrown off babies, all growing up as a close and cozy family.

I almost didn' get this posted. Around 7 pm I loaded my photos but Photoshop Elements wouldn't open. So, I called Geek Squad for help. Long story short, I waited EIGHT hours to get a remote tech. I couldn't go to bed because I knew he'd need guidance. At 4:15 AM, we got disconnected. DISCONNECTED!

I did what I should have done at 8 hours earlier: I uninstalled the program and reinstalled it. It is now working fine. It's 6 am and I don't see the point of going to bed. I get a wellness check call around eight o'clock and my washing machine is finally getting delivered between 8am-12pm.  

Coffee coming up. At least it's going to be 70/21 after a cold morning.

Edit: The delivery guy called at 6:45 and will be here any minute. So much for 8-12. Shouldn’t have had that coffee.

Did you see my silly Bullwinkle the Moose?

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