Christmas put away for another year

Phin let us have a lie in till 6 and Mr PHL kindly let me stay in bed. So it was the least I could do to make rolls and sausage for breakfast when I got up a couple of hours later. 

Risked taking the puppy out for his morning walk and managed to spot the icy patches before I stepped on them. After lunch we took the boxes down from the loft and within an hour everything was all packed away bar the tree. Mr PHL took that apart whilst I took Phin to the vets to have his eyes checked again as we thought he had another bout of conjunctivitis. He loves the vets and was so excited before I’d even parked the car that he was drooling! 
He eventually calmed down when we got into the vets surgery and she confirmed the diagnosis. We’re going to try medication for 2 weeks this time and if it comes back again we’ll need to look into other options. 

Home and out for his second dog walk - the milder weather today had melted even more of the ice but since we got home it’s got chillier again.
Boxes back in the lift before homemade chilli and rice for dinner. I made a granary loaf from a kit and it’s quite tasty if a little crisp on the edges. 

Thanks to loisbiz for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month - just a quick blip of another of my mum’s buttonhooks. 

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