Winter at the Shore

We arrived in Beach Haven, early in the afternoon, early enough to take our little almost 4-year-old granddaughter for a walk on the beach.  It was beautifully moody and deserted.  

Our son, his wife, and our grandaughter have been quarantined for 2 weeks after one of the preschool teachers tested positive for Covid and the class was closed down just before Christmas. After this quarantine, they felt that it was a good time for her grandparents to see her. It isn't safe for us to travel to NY and the school doesn't want the kids traveling to Maryland and would require another 2 week quarantine.  My son's boss offered him his beach house in New Jersey, which is acceptable for travel for New Yorkers, and so we have met here for a few days of quality family time with real hugs included. A change of scenery and a dose of "normal" is just what we all needed. After we all leave here at the end of the week, she will go to see her other grandparents outside NYC. 

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