Bubble Storm trooper is revealed!

I like to play with light, you can add dynamic with it, tell a story.

A trip to IKEA today, as the main problem in our son's flat is darkness - and he clearly needed some kibitzing too, so he took his sister and me with him. Bought three lamps into his bedroom and several other things needed, and in the evening his home begun to look almost fancy, soft and stylish! As one and almost only old lamp became useless after the three new lamps, I arranged it to give this Star wars -carachter some more tension into it's control place on hallway table.

In the blip there is actually a bath soap container, that I have bought to my son couple of years ago as a Christmas present. I do not know where the soap is, because nobody has yet found it, but there is a label in the bottom that this really is a bath soap dispenser. Maybe in some day this fighter shoots bubbles...

I hope that somekind of a fighter lives in every one of us. Hopefully a good fighter, however

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