wild & precious life

By IrwellRiver

Feast of the Epiphany

Well firstly, thank you so much for all the hearts, stars and messages yesterday, which made my day! ❤️ Blip is such a wonderful place to be! :-)

So today I had to go into work for essential work reasons (criminal justice). The journey to Durham in the snow was pretty dreadful. By lunchtime, when I popped out for a sandwich, the weather had really settled, as shown in this picture of Durham cathedral and castle

When I got home, my dogs greeted me like I'd been gone for days. That's it now ...I shouldn't need to venture out again which I am very glad about! With headlines such as "1 in 50 infected & rising" "1.1m with virus /1.3m vaccinated" "vaccine Vs variant" etc, it is a relief to stay home. We all need to keep out of harm's way as much as possible.

My mum & dad got their 2nd dose of vaccine today, which is great news. What really made me sad though was hearing that lots of elderly people hadn't turned up for their second jab today. This must be down to recent news items reporting that second doses wouldn't be administered in favour of giving first doses to more people or confusion over lockdown. What a mess and such a shame!

In more positive news, we all contributed a song today on the work what's app to create a mood-boosting playlist. I thought this was a nice idea. I also attended an online Zumba class tonight and we finished watching "Traces" on BBC, which I would recommend.

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