
By misswinterfinch


There's nothing like night time relaxation for a new kitten who is holding my socks as a type of ownership, I guess. She's happy to be free in the house now and no longer shut in her en suite bathroom. Behind her in the dark Persey naps. They met and seem to enjoy themselves. He comes for frequent reassurance. As if I made some error in allowing her in his house. she follows him everywhere.
Her official name is Dori Pickles.
What a delightful little thing she is too on her first day home!
This morning she discovered BIRDS flying outside her window and on the feeder. Never saw such things before!
It has been more than 10 years since I had a kitten in the house. I forgot how every day is a whole new day of creation with all kinds of adventures and things to meet for the first time.
I will not be bored this winter. Persey, either. He is very kind to her even though he is sure I have made a big mistake. He is too polite to say so.

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