Life Savors

By osuzanna

Hailey at Four

....or just 5 days shy of it.   

In addition to my regular lenses, I took some of my Lensbabys with me to the beach which proved to be quite a challenge, since they are manual focus and she is often a moving target.  This was taken with the Sweet 85 and she was a very cooperative model, following my instructions very well....for about 2 or 3 minutes at a time.  I tried not to overdo it. 

What a treat it was to spend three days with her, although we are quite exhausted. She has a vivid imagination and incorporated me and her grandfather as well as multiple stuffed animals and plastic toys into her games.  Her language skills are quite precocious and she is excellent at giving instructions...some times it was hard to conceal our laughter at how funny these things sounded coming from such a tiny little thing. 

Her other grandmother gave her a camera recently (we won't even discuss this ).    :-(.  I was pleased nevertheless that she was interested in using it and followed my directions very well and took a few very good pictures. She carried it with her on our outings and was very careful with it. 

Her birthday is next week, but we will all celebrate it on Saturday via zoom.  I have included a few other shots of her in the extras as I like to document her growth and changes in my journal and have been doing so since her birth.   Did I mention that she is going to be a big sister in March?  Something very wonderful for us to look forward to during these dark times.  

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