The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

To Wham or Not to Wham?

I taught myself how to play guitar when I was 8 years old. My sister bought a folk guitar and abandoned it after she discovered that she'd have to cut her nails very short, and that calluses came along with the steel strings.

I had a cousin who played electric guitar, and I thought she was the coolest person alive. I secretly wanted a guitar and amp like hers, but had to settle for an acoustic that was close to being larger than me!

This guitar is my daughter's first. It is a Fender Stratocaster, and has a coveted "Whammy" bar. She carried it with her to her guitar lessons at The School of Rock, and while her first teacher, a guy from "The Misfits," was not impressed, they discovered that she could sing. Thus started her career in music.

A short while later, we discovered that she was writing her own songs, and they were pretty good. Things changed after that. She went acoustic and Mr. Fender sat on his guitar stand and gathered dust.

Today, my daughter is known as "Nola Wren," and is doing well as a recording artist.

The guitar is sitting on the bed, as its stand is being used to dry Nola's wig, which had a washing today.

Yes, you read that correctly.

That's a story for another Blip!

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