Snow came!

I went to bed yesterday evening with landscape photography in the back of my head. It was a bit white outside, but the big question would be if it would still be white in the morning.
I decided not to set the alarm. I was almost convinced it would not be snowy enough for a photo shoot.
Around 7.15 I woke up and peeked outside. I knew it! Yesterdays snow was almost gone. The street was wet with a few remains of white.
Back to bed!!

Around 9.00 am I woke up again, because Annemarie was talking to me. Shouldn't you be outside? "Huhh, no!! I looked already".
But it's snowing!!

What?? Another peek outside and I saw a complete other world. Beautiful white and still snowing gently.
Within 15 minutes I was dressed and on my way (by foot) to the Biessumerbos nearby. Several messages from Peter had come in. He was shooting already.
Around 9.30 we met and took off with our photography. It was beautiful. No people, just us and a very clean fresh blanket of 4-5 cm snow.

I decided at one point to go back to the tree I captured last november. I wanted to make the same photo again and I'm very pleased with the result. I feel a series coming....I will probably go back again in spring and summer as well. Here's the autumn-version of this tree.

After a while it started drizzling a bit. No snow, just rain. The serene atmosphere dissapeared soon with it. On top of that, more and more people passed us during their Sunday walk enjoying the white world. But for us the moment was gone.
Around 11.30 I came back home again.

I hope we'll have much more of these conditions in the coming months.
I like this a whole lot better than the grey wet weeks we've been having so far.

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