
Saturday, a late start, and copious amounts of coffee required to get going at all. But get going we did, though not much was achieved! But hey, it's the weekend!

Much windier than forecast so, instead of his intended cycle ride, MrM joined me for a walk down to the river in the afternoon. After yesterday's wintery walk, today's 6degC felt quite tropical. Out of the town centre there was no-body else around, apart from a naked lady carrying a large ball - yes, a statue - in the auction yard, and it seemed quite surreal at times. Almost home, we 'bumped into' Jacqui and Fletch, as much as you can bump in to anyone these days, thought Fletch was having none of this social distancing lark. We left Jacqui debating whether to risk going in to the local Co-op. The green light was on, so perhaps it wasn't too busy.

After deciding that the chosen colour wasn't the right one, and then putting off making a decision for weeks, MrM and I finally discussed paint colours for the hall again. Four more match pots now on order...

Lockdown 3, day 12

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