The calm before the storm

I had a fitful sleep last night. The kids were pretty good and were all in bed with lights out and minimal noise by 10.45pm. One child had to be taken home in the middle of the night, due to homesickness. I got up to see if I could help, but it was all under control, so I went back to sleep (of sorts).

My alarm went off at 6 am and I was up and at em, banging on doors and rousing the troops. The kids were most definitely not amused!

Compulsory walk or optional run followed. I chose the walk; pushing sleepy children from behind to get up some energy and enthusiasm. It was a short walk and once they had returned for breakfast, I grabbed my camera and did it again alone. It was even shorter without a hoard of grumbling teenagers along for the ride.

Breakfast was followed by a big clean up of rooms, bathrooms and packing of bags. Then the students had free-time while the student leaders set up the activities for the morning.

This is the watering hole being set up for the water games. I liked the blue balloon in the distance; sort of sets the scene off nicely and gives some perspective. As you can see, we were treated to another beautiful day.

I'm home for the night now - beyond tired. Cousteau has come home and is snoring away gently beside me. I feel like joining him.

Off to Adrenaline Forest tomorrow for more of the same.


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