Old Charfield Station

I went out alone this morning, leaving Janet pondering the garden. She loves her gardens, but there seems an awfully steep mountain to climb at this time off the year, with more cutting down and digging out that planting up and popping in...

I took a long lens, thinking I could take my time and look out for woodpeckers or owls, or even an interesting pigeon. As it was it seemed everyone was out for their permitted exercise walks, and everything non-human had scarpered.

On my way back through thick and well churned mud I saw the old station in the distance, and at a viewpoint where the footbridge, station, stationmaster's house and water tank were all in frame. 

I took this shot as much for a memory as anything, as it does appear after so many meetings and discussions, extending back long before I got here (I have plans going back to the mid-seventies) Charfield Station is likely to have trains stopping soon.

Not here of course. The station is grade two listed. And sadly being allowed to fall into dereliction (useful for Sunday, eh). It will probably be right of frame, and is due to be in service in 2024, which isn't too far ahead.

Charfield Station was shut by Dr Beeching in 1965. Much of the station buildings was designed by I K Brunel, hence the listing. I think it's the last almost complete station of its type on the line. Charfield was of course the site of the 1928 rail disaster.

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