Martin Luther King Holiday

"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope"
--Rev. Martin Luther King

There is a high wind warning in effect and as Spike and I made our way around the circuit this morning against a brisk headwind I noticed this flag standing out in defiance of gravity instead of hanging dispiritedly toward the ground. I realized that for the first time in over four years I feel slight stirrings of pride when I see the flag of our country instead of wanting to bury my head in shame.

We have honored the memory of Martin Luther KIng's civil rights work by electing a Black woman Vice President and a decent man who once occupied that office under the first Black man to be elected president. I feel the stirrings of hope that we will once again respect each other despite our differences and allow truth to restore our trust in our government. It's a tall order. I hope we can put the nightmare of the last four years behind us

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