Lost and lonely

Rather dull and drizzly today, tho' the sun poked through later in the afternoon. I had a couple of hours out with my litter picker and had lovely chats with three different families. One Mum had four young children of the kind that love to chat and they followed me up Star Brae to where I was looking down the rubbish-strewn bank. The lady said 'Hello' and one wee boy asked 'What are you looking at?' ! I told him and we had a nice chat about growing up to be responsible. When I looked over a wall this little dolly was right down behind it, quite invisible - I left her on top in the hope that her owner would find her!

Limerick of the Day:

A villain who lived by his gun
Set off to Cape Horn for some fun.
Though his crimes were so heinous
He reached Punta Arenas
And fell madly in love with a nun.

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